Sunday, August 12, 2007

Recalling a hard time...part 2

Anyhow, we later took Connor down to Iowa City for an appointment with the specialist. She was great. But, she didn't really have any news for us. She just wanted to monitor his white counts for a few weeks, and then see us again. She did say that, most kids with this disorder, do not look so healthy! They usually get sick many, many times a year -and Connor had not had ONE ear infection -which is quite common for kids with Neutropenia! (Praise the Lord!)
With another visit -and no upturning white counts (as she had hoped for), she scheduled a Bone Marrow test. Connor did great...probably better than me! His back was numbed for the procedure, he wasn't "put out" but was a bit "out of it"!
They found that, like the specialist thought and hoped, that this was the only part of the bone marrow that wasn't functioning properly. No leukemia! No cancer! We were so relieved to hear that.
But amidst our joy, I couldn't help but wonder about the life that my little boy would live. With a diagnosis of Severe Chronic Neutropenia -I wondered if he would be able to attend school with others, if he would have to have shots regularly...if he would be sick all the time.
Well, over the past year, he has had 2 fevers -in which we have taken him to the ER, per our doctors' instructions. His blood is checked and then he gets a shot of this super-duper antibiotic -Rocefin? and is pretty much good to go. It is troubling to me, each time, but Ben keeps his cool, as we pack up the babies and drive to the ER.
With our last visit to the Children's Hospital, we found that Connors' white count has been coming up! Hurray! She "predicts" that if he continues to improve as he has been doing, he should have a normally functioning bone marrow by the age of 5! She thinks that he just has an immature bone marrow, for whatever reason, and its not functioning properly. I am super-stoked, yet, we are trying not to get our hopes up at the same time!
God is good, all the time. Although I try my best not to freak out, with each cut and bump, its difficult. I don't want him to get another infection. I want him to stay healthy. But I must trust. Trust in God, that He is going to take care of Connor. No matter what.

1 comment:

Moosler said...

Wow, I remember praying for him a few months back or longer, but I don't think I'd realized how serious this had been for you guys. (((HUGS))) But wow, I'm so thrilled for the wonderful news!